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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  January 23, 2013 4:09pm-5:00pm PST

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good president? 67% of this country view her favorably. the president, anybody in this country would die for that. >> listen, the people on the other side of the aisle aren't taking the fact this nation's going bankrupt seriously, so she's a member of that party, we haven't passed a budget in the united states senate for almost four years, so no, i don't think she's made a very good president. >> and finally, sir, according to a new book, president obama call called the widow of one of the people who died in benghazi, sean smith, the day after the attack and said, promise to avenge the deaths of americans. do you believe him? >> well, i'll take him as his word. but you know, that was another curious question i would like to ask secretary clinton is why when those bodies were coming home, she went up to tyrone woods' father and said we were going to bring this guy who created this video to justice.
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what happens what was that about? they're just trying to continue to perpetuate this false narrative. this wasn't caused by the fact that al-qaeda was on the rise. they're misleading the american public. >> thank you. still to come, we're facing some of the coldest temperatures in this country. some scientists say it's due to global warming. plus, apple's shares plunging today and manti te'o admits he lied, so is he telling the truth now? try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business.
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our second story "outfront," deep freeze. it's the talk for a lot of people in this country tonight. the sub zero temperatures creating dangerous conditions for areas that have not felt the extreme chill in years. we got very spoiled here in new york. it was kind of springtime all winter. the cold now is blamed for at least four death and it follows the warmest year on record. some scientists are blaming global warming for these ups an downs, but the public doesn't seem so convinced. the number of people who believe in global warming is actually down 8% from 2008. only 45% believe it is a manmade problem, which is down from 54%
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back in 2008. "outfront" tonight, erick erickson and john avlon. so, the president in his inauguration speech took on those who don't believe in climate change. he made that choice to focus on it. >> some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, crippling drought and more powerful storms. >> it sort of surprised me to look at the polls and see that fewer and fewer people seem to believe this is a problem or a manmade problem. maybe it was the al gore effect. seemed like people would get warmed up. >> you know, it seems to me that the biggest problem that global warming aggregates have is every time the conversation comes up is there's a snowstorm and instead of the winter, more people would buy into it. the biggest problem, what does it matter? say the president does do something with global warming?
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china and india aren't going to. we could shut down production of everything tomorrow that causes greenhouse gases and china and india aren't and even if everyone did, the effects wouldn't take effect until about 100 years from now, so seems like it's a problem we have to get used to as opposed to something we can cure. >> interesting point, although i will say john avlon, we still emit more than china emits, at least per person. we're back-to-back where we were, but there's still that problem. conservatives are already on the attack about what the president said. americans for prosperity said his address reads like liberal laundry list with global warming at the top. americans have -- in the past and they will again. now, this didn't used to be an issue. again, it's back in the al gore days when it was a popular bipartisan thing. you had newt gingrich and nancy pelosi standing together talking about global warming. what the heck has changed?
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first of all, that picture is just so -- creepy. >> but look at that togetherness. >> we did have that. john mccain, mitt romney, marco rubio, newt gingrich, all you know talking about climate change saying we need to address it. what change? two things. first of all, the great recession. when people are concerned about the economy, issues that are important like climate change fall down the scale. the second, the rise of the tea party. are you willing to work with the other side? newt gingrich took a lot of heat for that ad with nancy pelosi during the campaign. those two factors drive this issue down, but something like hurricane sandy, that could be a wake-up call. >> and hurricane sandy cost a lot of money. now, it's tough with all the pork that went in the bills, but we got a $50 billion appropriation that just came to affected states. that cost a lot of money. so might it not, even if we're not really sure what a cut in emissions might do right now to the trajectory of the climate change that we've experienced,
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mite it not be worth trying to do something about things? whether through carbon monoxide emissio emissions, co2? >> i don't think so. no matter what we do, we're not going to have the impact unless the rest of the world goes along and we're going to drive up koss on people. coal fire plants. 19 just shut down in georgia. do people really want to do things like that nationwide when china, russia, india, brazil aren't going to do them? probably not. long-term, it's probably not going to have an impact. we've had extreme weather in the past. the 1950s had more extreme weather than now. unless people start seeing that it's conforming to presconceive notions -- >> but look, he makes a good point to the extent that a multilateral treaty is a nonstarter, but china is doing things.
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that's going to be an issue of competitiveness. the real question is this. can we acknowledge natural forces that are largely within ourselves and still try to do something about what we acknowledge to be a real problem or say we're omnipotent to solvent. have a debate on how you deal with this. >> it happened in the past, but recently, there was this amazing study. the corals are going to die. nobody knows, but if we don't fully understand what's happening and how it's adjusting, how can the government do anything about it? >> look, that's a fair point. i'm not saying throwing money at the problem is the answer. >> i don't know, it's one thing. >> that's the larger point though, right? we should have a sense of humility, but we should take action to solve problems and if we don't, if one political says
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it shouldn't be talked about, it looks like you're coddling flat earth society folks. >> all right. thanks. >> the facts are -- >> quick wrap. >> all right. i was going to let him get another five seconds, but he was quiet when i asked. next, john boehner says he's convinced the president plans to annihilate the gop. and apple's shares tanking after hours. who's to blame? could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix
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our third story, apple. tonight, apple reported its slowest sales growth in four years an profits were fratlat. tonight sh apple shares are plunging. this is a really big drop for a company like this. it is the biggest company in the world. down more than 10% after the close of trading today. since the debut of the highly anticipated iphone 5 in september, the company has lost an estimated $178 billion in stock market value an i'm not counting what's happening tonight. so can apple go up without steve jobs? bob sa tech blogger who worked for steve jobs during his earliest days. he's "outfront" tonight and bob, it's good to see you. my question to you is really this. there's so many people out there, they worship the cult of apple and a lot of people out there who have made a lot of money on apple shares. the company said it sold 47.8
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million iphones this quarter, but verizon says only half the phones were apple. that apple is not the dominant power it used to be. is apple coming back to reality? >> yeah, to a certain extent i suppose. in a maturing market, they are. if i were investing, i would say buy, buy, buy. >> really? >> this is a short-term aberration. a huge buying opportunity. probably the stock will go back up tomorrow when that sinks in. apple is an extraordinary story and the drama of it plays to the traders strengths where they are looking for volatility and they're getting volatility, but frankly, the company's incredibly strong and has great opportunities and if you look for example, last week, tim cook, apple's ceo said that apple's biggest market was going to be china. where they barely penetrated. another way of saying that is that a third of the world was unavailable to them and now is.
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>> i have to say every young child i talk to in china, they all want the iphone. they don't have it. they have cheap knock offs, because it's too expensive for them now. samsung is selling more phones than apple. but apple still does have th that -- but can apple compete without slashing its price? something steve jobs never wanted to do? >> i think they'll do both. i think they'll produce a regional product that will maybe be limited to china and countries like china. at the same time, apple's success has been from developing new markets and frankly, the samsung phones, courts have said, sure looks like a copy to us. and in this instance, there will be another iphone classification, ipad, ipod, the next one is coming. there are still products steve jobs was working on before he died that have not yet been
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introduced. >> and obviously, apple's betting on those. steve jobs died in october of 2011. now, if, and this is a big if, because betting against apple never paid off for anybody, but this apple does have some issues now. turned out to be longer term. are they tim cook's fault or steve jobs? he's rolling out his products, keeping his view. everything. >> well, to a certain extent, but tim cook isn't steve jobs. the job that -- steve jobs' job, there you go, was a very difficult act to follow and he had an advantage and that was in each case, he was pioneering a new product category from nothing. where as tim cook is in mature markets and he's having to carry those products further, deeper in. where steve would say, oh, to heck with that, let's just start
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something new and he'd start a new wave over and over and over again. the problem here is the warren buffett problem. apple is having trouble finding markets big enough to enter. >> still to come, the pentagon plans to open new doors to women in the military. meaning women actually fighting on the front line. and manti te'o admits he lied. e. but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% (testosterone gel). the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy, increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child,
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welcome back. we start with stories we care about where we focus on our reports from the front lines. the family of junior s areau's family is -- caused by violent hits during his career. he died of a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the chest last year and his family says the suit will send a message to the nfl to care for its former players to acknowledge the deception on head injuries and player safety. the house has passed a bill that would prevent the united states from hitting the debt ceiling. at least right away. it's dubbed the no budget no pay act. it was proposed by republicans and it lets the treasury department borrow money until mid may as long as congress
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passes a budget. the measure states their pay will be with held. constitution doesn't allow the no pay thing to really happen, any way, that's why the act passed. 33 republicans, 11 democrats voted against it. one who did, congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz and she tells us it wasn't a clean increase. she's right about that. in the last 48 hours or so, u.s. cargo planes, transporting about 80 troops and 24 tons of supplies. a spokesman for the u.s. africa command tells us the air lifts began monday are going to go on for several more days. our country's -- and whether we should have a role is becoming more of a concern. i couldn't help but notice this on yahoo! today, asking you, should the united states intervene in mali? a majority of people say no.
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the faa still hasn't determined what's causing electrical problems on boeing 787 dreamliner, telling reporters they're still evaluating the idea. the ntsb says the battery pulled from a dreamliner showed signs of thermal damage. michael boyd tells us he's never seen an investigation like this. he says the faa has egg all over its face. it's been 538 days since the country lost its top credit r e rating. what are we going to get back? the imf says the economy will grow by 2% and the u.s. needs to work on entitlement reform. our fourth story, women on the front line. a ground breaking decision from the pentagon. cnn has learned that defense secretary leon panetta will announce a lift on the ban against women serving in combat
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positions. this is pretty incredible. this move could open up 230,000 front line jobs to women in the military. "outfront" tonight, rosa brooks, a columnist for foreign policy and has worked in the pentagon under the obama administration and david frum, former speech writer for george w. bush and critter for us. right now, 40% of active duty are women. this could be hundreds of thousand of jobs suddenly would be open to women. am i right in saying this is hublgly significant? >> it's absolutely enormous. the one thing i would say though, the it's not that we don't have women in combat positions. we have women who are ineligible under the former policy, but there really isn't any front line in today's wars. fighting heroically in combat, women who have died in combat. this change just recognizes what's already a reality, frankly. >> david, please be blunt.
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i know what you have to say is, might offend some people, but this is important. why do you think women in combat is not a good idea? >> i think we need to stress, this is quite an abstract notion. the number of women who will speak and equally is likely to be quite low, but of those who do, i think there are three concerns. the first, the first is is that we are going to see as we have already seen, the expansion roles of women steady downward pressure. strength and endurance requirements in order to get numbers up. the second, in the -- that i would really worry about, is the risk of harm to female personnel. the people we are likely to meet on the next battlefield are people who use rape and sexual abuse as actual tools of politics. >> david, men get raped, too,
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you know. probably as much frequency in the prisons. >> let me just make one more point then have the talking stick as long as you want. >> in iran, in pakistan, in afghanistan, rape is a conscious tool of sub, the third point and one we should give real thought to is the stress on military families. we already lose a lot of officers at the major level because of the strained families. for those military spouses who are not in combat, this is one more reason to worry about the high rate of family break up that we already see among military personnel. >> david, forgive me, i think you're dead wrong on all those points. on the last, you're absolutely right. there's been a lot of strain on military families. the solution is not to deny women the opportunity to serve in combat positions, the solution is to rejigger the
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personal system to do a better job of making sure families do not have two parents at risk at the same time. on the issue of rape, if a woman is willing to assume the risk, just as our men in combat will assume that risk, it's not up to us to say you're not allowed. it's a risk men take, too. and on the issue of standards dropping, wow, i think it's the exact opposite. we are struggling to make sure we can recruit an retain the most qualified military personnel. right now, women for instance, go to college, graduate from college, get higher grades. much higher rates than men. don't we want to do everything we can -- >> it seems like and i don't say this to be negative about leon panetta, it might be that after ten years of war, it's hard to recruit men and they may be more successful with women. women are serving in combat
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positions in other countries. australia, denmark, canada, but there are jobs off limits for women in each of those places. is there any position that you think a woman may not be able to do? yes, some women are bigger and stronger than men, but most women are not. i remember learning that much to my chagrin and became a teenager. >> i remember learning i couldn't beat up my little brother anymore. many women are less strong than most men, but some women are stronger than many mens. right now, the marine corps will allow men to join if they are 4'10" tall and 96 pounds, so if the marines can make a man out of a guy that small, it seems they could use a few good women, too. the overwhelming majority than
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women who are a great deal stronger and tougher than that. >> we honor people who make military careers, but the purpose of the military is not to make careers available for ambitious military officers. it's to be the most effective force and the pressure will be strong. not only to grade standards, but when we talked about the issue of combat, to keep things quiet. there have been a lot of stories, exactly the kind of abuse rosa talks about. because politicians worry about the effect on public opinion at home, a lot of that gets suppressed and a lot of women, i think some may be put in harm's way without adequate information about who they're fighting and the particular kind of risk that is likely next enemy of the united states is going to be posing on the female -- >> i think you're not giving women enough credit. >> the rest of this planet is not a gender neutral place. >> only going to hit pause
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there. i want to have you both back to keep talking about this it's a tough one and a lot of issues and gender roles and mothers and fathers. it's a tough question and now, toipt move to the manti te'o hoax story. the former star notre dame football player is admitting he lied to the media and public. in an interview with katie couric, he was asked if it was somehow intoxicating to continue talking about his dead girlfriend when he knew it was not true. >> i think for me, the only thing is that i could, i had an impact on people. that people will turn to me and for inspiration. and i think that was the only thing i focused on. in times of hardship and times of trial. really you know, held strong to his faith. to his family.
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and i felt that was my story. even if that hardship was perhaps exaggerated? >> no, it was what i went through was real. you know, the feelings. the pain. the sorrow. that was all real. >> my question tonight, does te'o's story add up or was he in on the hoax? dr. drew is "outfront" tonight. here's the thing. te'o mentioned his girlfriend. assume that it was true. that he really, really fell for it. you know, and all this is true, but he didn't know she didn't exist and continued to talk publicly as if she did. we know there was a lie there. if there's one lie, do you think there's more? >> well, that's exactly the question that each of us watching this story has to ask ourselves. we heard a similar public figure to maintained his image to be an inspiration to people through a sustained lie over a period of time.
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so all of us as viewers of media have to be skeptical when someone has a lie in one area. particularly when this thing doesn't add up. it really doesn't add up. the people that get involved in these schemes, they haven't had previous relationships and he doesn't fit any of those categories. not only that -- take on a liability of somebody that is that gullible. god knows there were people out there trying to take advantage of him. i'm not sure a team would want to take on that liability. >> so, how does someone truly believe, i guess this is the real question people have to ask themselves. if you are, and i saw someone make a joke about this. if you're getting out of -- here's the headline. now, this person was sort of making a joke. how does someone truly believe they're in a real relationship
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if they've never physically met? >> that's right. and the only thing that happens is through fantasy. and certainly, the internet is a place that feels intimate, but it is a pseudo intimacy. an average person, a normal, healthy person, would recognize that and quickly move this into the flesh. flesh meeting. where people are actually in each other's presence and this has happened many times, where people are duped by phone calls. the average person will go forward and try to meet that person. when they can't, they realize there's no relationship there. but to view this thing with a fantasy built only on your brain, not another person's, only you pouring your fantasy into this thing, that's not what you call healthy. >> so do you think manti te'o, if he was to see past, sounds like you're saying yes. >> i'm wondering, if he was that badly duped, you have to wonder what was going on there that
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would -- but again, and then he sustains a lie, says he did meet her, didn't meet her. the bottom line is to stand by. there is more to be revealed, i guarantee you. >> the nfl today said that the red skins players, some may have been victims of these sorts of scams where women seek them out online and become their girlfriend and i don't know whether they're trying to get gifts or money from them, but they said it's possible some of their players could have been victims of this. how common is it? now, this is football again, but it's kind of bizarre. >> mtv has a tv show about this called "catfishing." it happens in younger populations, but the article about the redskins, those players got duped and after every single case, after a few days of contact, and they did lots of checking, too.
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there was lots of evidence it was a person there, so good. let's meet. after a certain amount of contact because that's what you do as an adult. you go have a relationship. if manti never had a relationship, if he had been -- some liability with his ability to navigate in social environment, you have to scratch your head and wonder what's going on. >> absolutely. it may sound ak ward to, but he's mormon, don't have sex before marriage. watch dr. drew at 9:00. he's looking into the story about the 15-year-old boy who killed his family in new mexico. that's tonight on dr. drew. an the speaker of the house, john boehner, says the president's goal is to wipe out the republican party and an australian eats something unusual and it lands him in court. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families.
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now, let's check with anderson cooper with a look at what's coming up. >> we'll follow up on the benghazi hearings. we still don't have answers about the night that chris stevens was killed. and the young woman who had no idea her image was being used in a fraud plan. she joins us just days after finding out about the hoax. also, a new book shedding light on the church of scientology, its founder and interest in
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recruiting celebrities. we'll speak to lawrence wright, who said he spoke to thousands of people, all at the top of the hour. taking down the republican party. house speaker john boehner told a group of republicans that after listening to the president's inaugural address, he is convinced the president has just one goal. >> should be clear to all of you that he knows he can't do any of that as long as the house is controlled by republicans and so, we're expecting to hear over the next 22 months, so be the focus of this administration. as they attempt to annihilate the republican party. they atte to annihilate the republican party. >> they're doing a pretty good job of that themselves right now. i couldn't resist.
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i know you are trying not to laugh. i couldn't resist. you are always your own worst enemy. here's what some of the president said in his inauguration speech on monday. i want to play a clip to see if you take away what john boehner takes away. >> understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and the many barely make it. our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see america as a land of opportunity. >> annihilating? >> here's the thing. i think fundamentally president obama's speech was about portraying his particular domestic policy agenda as the working out of american history. this is where we're meant to go. >> it was a liberal manifesto. >> the explicit message of that is those that oppose his agenda are on the wrong side of
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history. it's clear that what president obama said during the campaign is he wants to break the republican fever. that doesn't necessarily mean annihilating the republican party as a party. it means making the republican party pretty much a miniature version of the democratic party. that's what the president wants. that's what really all transformative presidents want to do. the president is -- >> they want everyone to agree with them. why not? they want to be loved, man. >> seriously, speaker boehner, what's the big deal. a big duh. if you're a republican president or democratic president, you don't want divided government. you want a house and a senate that's in your hands. karl rove, he talked about a permanent republican majority. he was trying to set up a system where the country at least 50% would vote for a republican president, republican house, republican senate. didn't last long. so that's what you try to do. republicans love talking about ronald reagan. why?
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the reagan revolution. to this day they talk about him. why? from 1980 all of the way through 2000 it's been all about reagan. this is what you do. i don't understand, speaker boehner. >> what about -- so issues like gay rights which he mentioned there. what about practicality? what does this do to a lot of democrats that live in red states where people don't agree with that. they're running for re-election in 2014. >> do you vote based upon one issue or do you look at a variety of issues? same thing about the issue of choice. there are some people out there who say i am only going to vote based upon whether or not you are pro-choice or pro-life. those are single voter issues. when you look at polling data, you don't have a significant number of single issue voters in america. they are saying, hey, i might be for same-sex marriage or against it or pro-life or pro-choice, if
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it's about finances, i might choose a different decision. >> i want to thank roland for making my point for me. president obama is engaging in what we like to call hubris. george w. bush and karl rove thought they had a permanent majority. it wasn't that permanent. ronald reagan's majority didn't last forever either. the simple truth is the more successful you are when you win a big victory, it also means democrats are representing silicon valley billionaires and struggling immigrants in the inner city. you represent both of those groups, there are tensions in your coalition and that coalition you win one day and you lose the next. >> nobody likes anybody. even if you like somebody, they get too big for their britches and too in control and american people say enough of you. >> here's the piece that speaker boehner is missing that democrats have a problem with. republicans have been doing very well on the state level. so when howard dean was head of dnc he kept talking about a
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50-state strategy. democrats abandoned that. that's what you look at. govern mansion, house and senate on the state side so notion that you will have one party in control annihilating is nonsense and won't happen. >> thanks very much. it's nice to hear vocabulary coming out of washington. it's better than some of the other terms we've heard that they have used off camera talking about each other recently. still to come, huge legal news. a judge rules that, well, you can eat all of the flowers you want and we have a real problem with this. we're going to explain. from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you.
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we have big legal news today. an australian fined for eating flowers has beat the rap. earlier this month a man named james and his friend, gary, were visiting a museum of contemporary art. gary got hungry and hesa